
who we are

Our professionalism at the service of the customer

EXPERT s.r.l. was founded in 2004 by a pool of experts with decades of experience.

Expert has a focus on dialogue with our stakeholders, and is distinguished by making simple, user-friendly products.

Quality of service for us also means a dedicated after-sales service for immediate online support and intervention at customers’ premises.

Expert is located in S. Martino Buon Albergo (Verona) and works in multiple plants with a covered area of more than 5,000 square meters.

Experience is the key

Unique projects born out of experience

More than 300 projects implemented in just 20 Years.

Our experience allows us to customize projects while remaining grounded in a solid foundation of experience: priority is given to project reliability.

The choice of the highest quality materials makes our achievements reliable and efficient.

Attention to the environment has generated a number of innovations that make our machines perform even better.

Central Drum

Central Drum Flexography for the packaging and paper printing industry


Flexographic Stack with a high variety of configurations


The best technology adapted to your production situation

Special Projects

Custom designs for coating, priming, multilayer lamination, and impregnation for composites

Machines in the world
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Satisfied customers
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why us?


Bruno Rossi

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Claudia Roncato

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AlbertoDe Magistri

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SOLUzioni flessografiche

Expert Srl nasce nel 2004 da un gruppo di esperti di flessografia e del converting ed è caratterizzata dalla passione per il miglioramento continuo. 

Lo scopo di Expert oggi è fornire prodotti ad alta tecnologia focalizzando la nostra attenzione sia all’ottimizzazione della resa industriale che all’impronta ecologica dei nostri prodotti, nel massimo rispetto dell’ambiente. 

La sicurezza degli operatori e delle macchine è un altro aspetto particolarmente curato in tutte le nostre macchine, che sono dotate di sistemi che vanno ben oltre i dettami delle norme sulla sicurezza in vigore.  

I brevetti recentemente depositati da Expert sono un’aperta testimonianza del grande impegno che Expert mette in campo con una Ricerca & Sviluppo incessantemente all’opera.  

Flexographic SOLUTIONS

Expert Srl was founded in 2004 by a group of flexography and converting experts and is characterized by a passion for continuous improvement.

Expert’s goal today is to provide high-tech products by focusing our attention on both optimizing industrial yield and the ecological footprint of our products, with the utmost respect for the environment. 

Operator and machine safety is another aspect that is particularly taken care of in all our machines, which are equipped with systems that go far beyond the dictates of current safety regulations.  

Expert’s recently filed patents are an open testament to the great effort Expert puts forth with relentless Research & Development.  


Morning: 12.00

Afternoon: 15.00


Show case of ZW Features for a total job change over without material waste.

A3P automatic systemf for printing pressure set up;

Printing register set up without using videocamera